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Kaba Kamene (aka Booker T. Coleman) & Michael Imhotep - Detroit Lecture Promo 5-11-13

8 Views· 04/02/24
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DVD ON SALE NOW: The African History Network Lecture Series presents Prof. Kaba Kamene (aka Booker T. Coleman) "The Afrikan Connection: Afrika, Mexico & The Mississippi Valley" & Michael Imhotep of The African History Network "The Media's Deliberate Destruction of The African-American Family: Reloaded". Watch a preview of the lecture here: http://youtu.be/ewbXbt4NV6M Recorded, 5-11-13 in Detroit, MI (2 DVDs, 6 Hours) -- Item #701 at www.TheAfricanHistoryNetwork.com. Use Coupon Code "AHN3YearPromo" and get 30% off your next order of $30 or more. Watch a preview of the lecture here: http://youtu.be/ewbXbt4NV6M

Prof. Kaba Kamene (aka Booker T. Coleman) of "Hidden Colors 1 & 2" discussed the Ancient African Presence in Afrika, Mexico and in the U.S. along the Mississippi River including Pyramids and Mounds that were built and much more. He also discussed a number of other topics including developing Education Curriculums for our schools and children, Homeschooling, Melanin, The Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, A Study Guide to study the documentaries, "Hidden Colors 1 & 2" and much more.

Michael Imhotep host of The African History Network Show discussed the African Presence in the U.S. 51,700 years ago, The Lost City Egyptian City of Thonis-Heracleion that sunk into the Mediterranean Sea at least 1,200 years ago, the origins of some of the Negative Images of Africans-Americans depicted in the media, how false statistics are put out about our relationship status, how to counter the Negative Images that we see, evidence of how studying our history helps our children academically and much more. This presentation is an overview of the 3 part, 13 hour lecture series from Michael Imhotep and is updated with new information.

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