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The God Addiction (High Praise, Low Productivity) - Kaba and Camara

3 Views· 04/02/24
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Brought to you by: Professor Kaba Hiawatha Kamene’s Spirituality Before Religions Free 6-Day Ecourse http://bit.ly/2iOeaGZ
On this historical edition of the Philippe Matthews Show, Star of Hidden Colors 1-4 and Out of Darkness, Professor Kaba Hiawatha Kamene ( http://bit.ly/2iOeaGZ) and Speaker, Filmmaker and Author of “Holy Lockdown: Does the Church Limit Black Progress? (http://amzn.to/2cNQQVg), “The New Doubting Thomas: The Bible, Black Folks & Blind Belief (http://amzn.to/2cmEYuE), Jeremiah Camara; team up together for a conversation about the science of God.


Baptized at an early age, Jeremiah moved to Cleveland, Ohio, in the early 80’s, where he began his quest toward a deeper understanding of his faith.

While in Cleveland, he began to diligently study the Bible and gave serious thought to becoming a minister, or at least living an active life in the church. During that time, he attended a Baptist church, at least two or three times a week. Like many, he felt the church could provide him with the substance he was missing in the way of answers, meaning and purpose in his life.

Growing up, he had not been raised in any one particular church. His parents were not consistent churchgoers, and never insisted that he nor his brothers and sisters attend church. Nevertheless, he did manage to go quite often.

There came a time, however, when he began to distance himself from the church; not because of a particularly bad experience or negative incident, but because he had begun to expose himself to other forms of thought, ideologies and practices.

“I began to see the church as just one source of information. The diversity of the world and its kaleidoscopic array of infinite ideas and wisdom, would not permit my curiosity to be confined only to the teachings of the church. It also disturbed me deeply to witness Blacks praising so much, but producing so little,” says Camara.

Jeremiah Camara returned to church, but this time as an investigator. Visits to churches of varying denominations, brought to light a common thread linking the vast majority. Mostly all, in his opinion, were preaching a gospel of powerlessness which conditioned people to lean on the supernatural. In other words… conditioning people to take the path of least mental resistance.

Following a long investigative hiatus, he rediscovered this same theological impotence when he moved to the Atlanta metro area, where he quickly discovered that church was big business. He knew then the time had come for him to write a book shedding light on the many psychologically crippling aspects within the church that keep Blacks in a state of “Holy Lockdown.”

$1 DOWNLOAD: The Life History of the Human Race by Kaba Hiawatha Kamene (38 page E-Book) http://bit.ly/2j8w2ul
Spirituality Before Religions Free Ecourse http://bit.ly/2iOeaGZ

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The Grand Unified Theorem = the Theory of Everything with Dr. Gabriel Audu Oyibo https://goo.gl/nR2mQe
(p4) GAGUT and The EsSenses of Pre-Existing Order and Arrangement https://goo.gl/q8jc6i
(p1) Dr. Gabriel Oyibo and Professor Kaba Hiawatha Kamene (The Brilliance of Melanated Minds)! https://goo.gl/7BQAtt
(p3) Dr. Gabriel Oyibo and Professor Kaba Hiawatha Kamene (GAGUT and the Original Trinity) https://goo.gl/olpS6n
(p2) Dr. Gabriel Oyibo and Professor Kaba Hiawatha Kamene (Alchemy - How to Make Gold)! https://goo.gl/AxUJkM

#slavesermons, #religiousintoxication,
#kabakamene, #jeremiahcamara

Please watch: "The Innerground Railroad Official Trailer"

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