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Wanna slim your waist and grow your glutes?! Try this exercise to get started. #mzfitnfly #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #fitnessgirl #fitnesscoach #fitnesstrainer #fitnessfreak #fitnessmom #gymgirl #gymlife #gymtraining #gym #trainerlife #personaltrainer #core #momswholift #viralreels #fitnessclass #fitnessreels #sweatensity #blackgirlfitness #loveyourbody

High Protein Crispy Salt n Pepper Chicken & Chips Meal Prep! Only 436 Calories per serve🤌🏽🔥 Combining 2 very popular takeout meals! This tastes absolutely delicious, is low in calories, filling and easy to make for the week ahead! . . . #saltandpepperchicken #takeout #takeaway #mealprep #healthyrecipes #highprotein #lowcalorie #healthymeals #easyrecipes #quickrecipes #weightloss #fatloss #eathealthy #gymfood #foodie #fitness #chips #fries #potatochips