
34 Views · 1 year ago

- NEWEST EPISODE w/ ANDY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUlc2d6fDzg
- Please Support Our Show on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/JulianDorey

(***TIMESTAMPS in description below) ~ Andrew Bustamante is a former CIA Undercover Spy & Air Force Nuclear Operator. From 2007 to 2014, Bustamante and his wife, Jihi (also a CIA Agent) lived abroad as undercover agents for the US Government. While he cannot reveal his precise locations during his time as a spy, Andy operated primarily out of Asia –– and completed missions on 6 of the 7 continents over the course of his career. As a result of his actions in the line of duty, Bustamante is forever very unwelcome in many countries around the world.

PREVIOUS EPISODE W/ ANDY: https://youtu.be/2PUs7l2jW9c

Andy’s appearances on The Koncrete Podcast:
1) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CkUDwq_-6AE
2) https://youtu.be/WLPHnL3xe7g
3) https://youtu.be/qcgYWEXXgAI

Take Andy’s Quiz To Test Your Spy Skills Here: https://everydayspy.com/quiz

Also, you can check out Andy’s Podcast, Everyday Espionage, here: https://everydayspy.com/podcast

And His YouTube Here:

Apple Podcasts ▶ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/....podcast/trendifier-w
Spotify ▶ https://open.spotify.com/show/....5skaSpDzq94Kh16so3c0
PRIVADO VPN FOR $4.99/Month: https://privadovpn.com/trendifier/#a_aid=Julian
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SUBSCRIBE FOR *EPISODES & CLIPS* HERE ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UC0A-v_DL-h76F75xi

About TRENDIFIER with Julian Dorey:
A podcast where hot takes meet context and ideas meet conversation. (Podcast / YouTube Vodcast)

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@trendifier?
IG: https://www.instagram.com/julianddorey/


0:00 - Intro; Andy addresses all the people who don’t believe he was in the CIA; Ex-CIA Agent Publishing process; Andy discusses who the US is arming Ukraine and how they’re doing it; Update on status of the Russian invasion; Andy’s Myers-Briggs pattern and worldview

29:37 - Mossad learns from the past; Andy defends the CIA’s Enhanced Interrogation Techniques; Andy discusses which CIA methods constituted t0rture; Andy’s belief in spying to protect lives…at all costs

43:23 - Julian debates Andy’s stances on government and spying; Andy tells a story about being pulled over by a cop for no reason (and defends the cop); Why powerful people don’t believe in blackmail

1:02:31 - Andy explains “ownership” and its concept within America’s history; Sepp 11 changed everything in America and led to rise in citizen exposure of powerful corruption in the Financial Crisis years; Andy pushes back against a common perspective in America; The current thing with the masses

1:30:51 - Andy gives an update on the Russian Debt Default (that he correctly predicted would happen in our last podcast); The Russian Oil Situation; The Lend-Lease Act and the weapons we’re sending to Ukraine; Andy explains how the Biden Administration is fighting inflation via the War in Ukraine; CBDC’s discussion; Julian wonders in Andy’s arguments are contradictory

1:51:15 - ***Andy explains why he believes the US “needs a common enemy”; Julian argues that this belief is a key indicator of military industrial complex (using Iraq as an example); Andy explains Khaliji culture and compares it to 1950’s America to explain why tribal leaders are critical in this region of the world; Revisiting the US’s Sadam Hussein strategy over time; Who comes after Putin?

2:05:53 - Are China and Russia friends?; Andy explains proxy wars and why we’re in one right now; Iran and China’s proxy war history explained; Andy lays out China’s “buying power” strategy via infrastructure around the world; Totalitarian regimes use democracy against itself to try to defeat it; Andy tells a funny story about an encounter with a Congresswoman; Andy discusses Jose Rodriguez destroying Enhanced Interrogation Tapes

2:32:20 - How much are news cycles shaped by intelligence and foreign governments?; The Fairness Doctrine; Predicting people’s belief based upon variables; Andy discusses the Elon Musk Situation; Peter Thiel’s book, “Zero to One”; The Standard Oil Trust Bust

2:51:10 - What is Peter Thiel doing at Palantir; Andy explains how intel dossiers work; Andy describes the massively growing Private Intelligence Service Sector (and why the gov is hiring them left and right); The dangers of private intelligence

3:17:02 - How much tax-payer money is funding US private intelligence in Ukraine?; The Blackwater screwup; Andy next predictions on Russia and Ukraine

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Produced by White Hot

#juliandorey #podcast

Polo Memo
28 Views · 12 months ago

The Honest Bunch is an audio-visual podcast that focuses on discussing real millennial and Gen Z issues with no holds barred.

There are 4 main personalities on the show - Nedu, Husband Material, Deity Cole, and Ezinne. The cast members bring their unique individual personalities and wit to the show. Occasionally, a guest is brought on to share opinions on topics tailored to their experiences, interests, or personalities.

At Honest Bunch, we are telling original Nigerian realities from the lens of the youth.

The show is stupendously funny, inconceivably revealing, somewhat shocking, and yet unequivocally informative.

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