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Clear Life Recovery – Top-Rated Alcohol Rehab Center in Costa Mesa, CA
Clear Life Recovery offers a leading California alcohol rehab program that provides a safe and structured environment for healing. Our comprehensive approach includes medical detox, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and aftercare planning. We believe in treating the whole person, not just the addiction, by incorporating holistic therapies such as meditation and fitness programs.
Clear Life Recovery
2822 Monterey Ave, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(566) 599-4495
My Official Website: https://clearliferecovery.com/
Google Plus Listing: https://maps.google.com/maps?c....id=13103176855222699
My Other Links:
california alcohol rehab: https://clearliferecovery.com/alcohol-addiction-treatment-program/
drug rehab centers: https://clearliferecovery.com/drug-addiction-treatment-program/
substance abuse treatment costa mesa: https://clearliferecovery.com/orange-county-substance-abuse-treatment-center/
luxury rehab centers: https://clearliferecovery.com/luxury-drug-rehab/
drug detox costa mesa: https://clearliferecovery.com/orange-county-drug-and-alcohol-detox-center/
outpatient rehab costa mesa: https://clearliferecovery.com/california-addiction-treatment-programs/orange-county-iop-program/
Other Services
addiction treatment
alcohol treatment
drug treatment
substance abuse treatment
inpatient treatment
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/recovery_clear
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/caclearliferecovery/