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NEVER Transfer your Assets to Your KIDS! ❌🏠 When inheriting Real Estate or Properties you MUST do THIS HACK to Build Generational Wealth! 🤑📈 #taxes #realestate #wealth #generationalwealth #realestatehacks

French taxpayers should not dictate Africa’s development. The memorable remark made by Ghanian president, Nana Akufo-Addo, to his French counterpart during a press conference in Accra, five years ago. The dressing-down appears to have started a trend with other African leaders. Congolese President, Felix Tshisekedi, the latest to make similar comments just last month. #congolese #felixtshisekedi #african #africanleaders #ghanaians #french #france #accra #nanaakufoaddo #panafricanism #panafrican #european #eu #ghana #taxpayers #independence #africantiktok #ghanatiktok?? #congo

Catch a remarkable #eddiemurphy lookalike stealing the show on television back in 1985! The uncanny resemblance and comedic charm will leave you amazed!