শর্টস সৃষ্টি

How to get kudd to listen and folliw the rules with less yelling from you. Its a #parentingtip thss works for toddlers to teens! #respectfulparentinghelp #calmparentshappykids #kidstestingmypatience #raisingkindkids #kindfamily #parenttricks #

Shadow Strike




El mofongo definitivamente es un tesoro de la gastronomía de PR 🫶🏼🇵🇷 Ingredientes: Plátanos verdes 1-2 Dientes de ajo Aceite de oliva Sal (o adobo) Mantequilla Instrucciones: 1. Pela los plátanos y córtalos en pedazos de, más o menos, una pulgada 2. Pon a freír los trozos de plátanos hasta que queden doraditos 3. Sácalos del aceite y colócalos en un plato con servilleta para que absorba el exceso de aceite 4. En un pilón, tira el ajo, aceite y sal 5. Machuca bien hasta que el ajo quede bien molido 6. Sin dejar que se enfríen los plátanos, tíralos al pilón con una cucharada de mantequilla 7. Machuca todo hasta que quede todo bien incorporado Y ready! :) #fyp #parati #puertorico #puertorico🇵🇷 #pr #mofongo #mofongorecipe #cocinapuertorriqueña #gastronomiapuertorriqueña #mofongorelleno





Your Plans Will Never Work IF You Keep This #💯🗣 #realtalk #realmedz #viralvideo #foryourpage @Crack Creations @Lincoln3Dot_

Shadow Strike




Sweet & sour Chicken !! In less than 30 mins !! My version of the Chinese sweet & sour chicken for a busy days meal & perfect for meal prepping for those who struggles to find the time with everyday cooking. Don’t forget to LIKE, SAVE, SHARE the reel and FOLLOW @shadi_faleel for more easy recipes. 600g Boneless chicken (cut into cubes) 1 tsp Chilli powder 1 tsp Salt 1 tsp Black pepper 2 tbsp Corn flour 1 medium Egg For the sauce 1/4 cup Brown sugar 1/2 cup Soy sauce 1/3 cup Tomato Ketchup 1 tbsp Vinegar 1 tsp Chilli powder (or more according to your preference) 1 tsp Corn flour Oil to shallow fry the chicken or you can also deep fry it. 2 cloves of finely choppedGarlic 1/2 if two or three bell Peppers 🫑 (cut into 1 inch sized cubes) 1 medium Onion (cut into cubes) 2 tsp Sesame Seeds You can also garnish with chopped spring onions & serve with warm steamed rice or with noodles. Follow @shadi_faleel Share & Save the reel. Follow the instructions mentioned on the video.

Shadow Strike




⁣"Noel Clarke's Revelatory Interview: Exposing the Truth Behind His Experience as a Victim of Cancel Culture"
