מִכְנָסַיִים קְצָרִים לִיצוֹר

No one can be a man unless his father has died, and that death can take place symbolically. #jordanpeterson #jordanpetersonquotes

Mark Wahlberg commited racist crimes in the past, but has tried to make up for it all of these years. With one of his Vietnamese victims forgiving him, what are your thoughts and does this open a wider conversation of redemption in society ? #markwahlberg #transformers #actors #news #thebigcelebrity #fyp #explore #film

You have to try this Chicken chow mein recipe! Its legit and yes there are other ways takeaways will make the chicken, but everyone thats tried this can vouch that its legit, so all keyboard chefs with no actual cheffing experience, sit down, I have shown many other ways to velvet the chicken 😊

Your Eyes Aren’t Connected To Your Brain🧠❌ ( via YT/PowerfulJRE) #joerogan #neuroscience #hubermanlab #science #jreclips #technoplusmedia