
Divorce Go
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Struggling with child custody or parenting time disputes? When parents cannot agree, the court intervenes based on the child’s best interests.

📌 Key Custody Disputes Explained:
✔ Decision-Making Authority: Who makes key choices about education, health, and religion?
✔ Parenting Time Schedules: How will time be shared fairly between parents?
✔ Best Interests of the Child: Courts prioritize stability, emotional bonds, and parental involvement.
✔ Legal Custody Options: Sole custody vs. joint custody arrangements

⚖️ Ontario’s courts focus on maintaining strong parent-child relationships while ensuring the child’s safety and well-being.

📞 Need legal advice? Call (416) 792-5400 to speak with an experienced family lawyer.

🔗 Learn more: https://divorcego.ca/legal-gro....unds-for-a-contested

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