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YOU CANT FOCUS😅 #viral #fyp #fashion #kenyantiktok

Listen I get ppl want SOMEONE to set a date and blah blah blah but if you arent even posting this on your page, you’re not sounding the alarm BEFORE EVEN QUITTING ANYTHING - that means you are a follower. EVERYONE needs to lead from the front on their own. Create a date YOURSELF and push the narrative. If EVERYONE did that then what would happen? #fyp #explore #thematrix #5dconsciousness #newearth #spiritualawakening #spiritualtiktok #oneness #babylon #nwo #5d

Brace yourself for a thought-provoking discourse as Dame Dash, the iconic entrepreneur, sheds light on the harsh reality that slavery still persists in the present day. In this eye-opening interview, Dame Dash fearlessly exposes the hidden chains that bind individuals and communities, unveiling the insidious forms of oppression that plague our society.

Lost for words…😶 Full interview on youtube… #willsmith #jadapinkettsmith #brotherbilaal #tashak #marcanthony #jlo#jlo#fypelebritygossip