
2 Views · 2 months ago

Dinosaur Merch LIVE NOW: https://terragreenstore.com/

There's this species of lizard that is literally exactly like a dinosaur. Even though it's a deadly creature.. I decided to build it a home and keep it as a pet. By the end of the video I find out if dinosaurs are actually good pets. The species is a Frilled Dragon

pls follow the instagram: https://www.instagram.com/terragreenyoutube/

If I used any of your copyrighted material in the video and you are not okay with it, please contact me on my business email found in my channel's description so we can reach an agreement.

I used a solid amount of footage from the YouTuber "Tommy's Reptiles" so go check his channel out he makes awesome videos about frilled dragons. I also used some content from EitiKipok, James Fisher, Storyful News & Weather, Nat Geo WILD, and Love Nature.

Thanks for watching and please subscribe


#dinosaur #ecosystem #pet

2 Views · 2 months ago

Funniest Dogs, Cats, and Animals Videos 2024 Will Start Your New Year 😅
Laugh your way into the New Year with these hilarious animals! This video is packed with the funniest animal moments of 2024

Call Your Dog's Name When They Are Next To You 🐶

#animal #animals #cuteanimals #cute #pet #dog

2 Views · 2 months ago

TerraGreen Merch LIVE: https://terragreenstore.com/

The other day I saw a video where someone showed off a pet leech and literally let it suck their blood for 3 hours. I thought that sounded very weird so of course I had to buy a pet leech. So in this video I built a home, showed off everything about a pet leech, and literally let it suck on my arm... Watch to the end to see that.

If I used any of your copyrighted material in the video and you are not okay with it, please contact me on my business email found in my channel's description so we can reach an agreement.

Thanks for watching and please subscribe!

#leech #pet #aquarium