
2 Views · 2 months ago

👉 My full beginner bass course: https://yeah.bassbuzz.com/scale
Getting overwhelmed trying to learn bass scales and actually make music? Sidestep the struggle with this simple step-by-step method.

Free bass scales for beginners PDF: https://www.bassbuzz.com/go/major-scale

Remember the first time you picked up your bass? You gazed deeply at the neck, and you instantly knew exactly where to place your fingers, to make amazing music that would CHANGE THE WORL-

Yeah, me either. Bass scales are the secret to coming up with bass lines + learning songs easily… but not the way most people learn them.

In this lesson, you’ll learn:
* The most famous beginner bass scales shape since Leo Fender gave birth to the universe
* How to play scales anywhere on the neck
* The “copy/paste” cheat code for bass scales
* Why good artists copy and great bassists STEAL
* The Jaco endorsed glue for bass scales
* What it looks like when a 34 year old man plays with LEGOs in his living room

You read all the way through this video description… you must really like bass lessons. Subscribe so you don’t miss the next one - https://yeah.bassbuzz.com/subscribe

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