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Ontario’s Best Interests of the Child Test Under the CLRA

3 Views· 05/03/25
Divorce Go
Divorce Go

What factors do Ontario courts consider when deciding child custody? Under the Children’s Law Reform Act (CLRA), the child’s best interests are the top priority.

📌 Key Factors in Custody Decisions:
✔ The child’s emotional and physical needs
✔ Parenting history & involvement in caregiving
✔ The child’s relationship with each parent
✔ The child’s preferences (if mature enough)
✔ Each parent’s stability and cooperation
✔ History of family violence or abuse

🏡 Understanding these factors can help you navigate custody disputes more effectively.

📞 Need legal advice? Call (416) 792-5400 to speak with a family lawyer.

🔗 Learn more: https://divorcego.ca/how-to-wi....n-contested-divorce-

#childcustody #familylawontario #divorceincanada #parentingtime

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