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Chiropractor In Houston
Advanced Chiropractic Relief
Advanced Chiropractic Relief was founded in 2012 by your Houston Chiropractor Dr. Gregory Johnson who is the creator of the Ring Dinger® and Johnson BioPhysics® adjustments. Advanced Chiropractic Relief is an award-winning chiropractic clinic and globally recognized for providing highly effective treatments and corrective care using the Johnson BioPhysics® and Ring Dinger® techniques. Johnson BioPhysics® is concerned with the detection and correction of a very serious Spinal condition called Vertebral Subluxation. Advanced Chiropractic Relief treats and provides effective non-surgical options to bring lasting relief for patients from around the globe. Advanced Chiropractic Relief has successfully treated some of the most severe cases including herniated discs, sciatica, chronic neck and back pain, and sports injuries.
Dr. Gregory Johnson D.C. has been practicing for 40+ years is joined by your new Houston Chiropractor Dr. Tristan Wendt. Dr. Wendt has spent years training under Dr. Johnson and provides the same quality treatments you've come to expect from Advanced Chiropractic Relief. If you are in pain or just need a tune up come see why Advanced Chiropractic Relief is globally recognized for providing effective relief with no long term care plans.
Address: 363 N Sam Houston Pkwy E, #1060, Houston, TX 77060, USA
Phone: 281-405-2611
Website: https://advancedhoustonchiropractor.com