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El mofongo definitivamente es un tesoro de la gastronomía de PR 🫶🏼🇵🇷 Ingredientes: Plátanos verdes 1-2 Dientes de ajo Aceite de oliva Sal (o adobo) Mantequilla Instrucciones: 1. Pela los plátanos y córtalos en pedazos de, más o menos, una pulgada 2. Pon a freír los trozos de plátanos hasta que queden doraditos 3. Sácalos del aceite y colócalos en un plato con servilleta para que absorba el exceso de aceite 4. En un pilón, tira el ajo, aceite y sal 5. Machuca bien hasta que el ajo quede bien molido 6. Sin dejar que se enfríen los plátanos, tíralos al pilón con una cucharada de mantequilla 7. Machuca todo hasta que quede todo bien incorporado Y ready! :) #fyp #parati #puertorico #puertorico🇵🇷 #pr #mofongo #mofongorecipe #cocinapuertorriqueña #gastronomiapuertorriqueña #mofongorelleno

Hydrojetting stands out as a highly effective, long-term solution for maintaining your plumbing system's health, offering superior cleaning power that traditional snaking methods cannot match. By utilizing high-pressure water to remove stubborn clogs, tree roots, mineral buildup, and years of accumulated debris, this modern technique not only resolves current blockages but also helps prevent future plumbing issues, making it a worthwhile investment for both residential and commercial property owners concerned with maintaining optimal pipe performance.
If you want to hire a professional plumbing company in Grand Prairie, TX to hydrojet your plumbing pipes or sewer lines, then Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Dallas can be your reliable option. For more details call us at 214-339-9027 or visit our site now at

New scramble for Africa disguised as African Heads of State summits. #paulkagame #rwandatiktok?? #africanleaders #africandiaspora #weareafrican #africansontiktok #panafricanism #africannarratives